Saturday, 1 May 2010

Ever since I can remember I've been drawn to open spaces. Here in Antwerp the most open space at a cyclable distance is at this spot on the bank of the Schelde. Weather and other circumstances allowing, I make about ten drawings per expedition.

From this day on, I intend to publish the results of these drawing expeditions, and some of the thoughts that may accompany them.


  1. wow Sam,

    so happy to finally see some of your work posted, since i ve been acquainted with much of it for quite some time now... looking forward to seeing much more here on your new blog!


  2. Hello! I'm Aiko's friend (YangHwa) and I'm soooo excited you started a blog, congratulations!! Looking forward seeing more of your work in the near future!

  3. Dear Sam,
    Very happy you have a blog page now.
    Have been enjoying your beautifull sketches.
    I finally found a way to send a message to your blog page,
    we will be following with interest the results of your sketching trips...
    This morning I saw, with my daughter and a friend for the fourth time the paintings of James Ensor in a museum , rather far in the South of the city.
    The paintings there - from "your" Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen - are so familiar and I realise how "thirsty" I was for good painting...
    I think I am not alone, many people are thirsty for quality ...
    So keep up the good work xxxx besos de México

  4. Dear Sam,
    I´ve just found the way of sending you a comment, was close to give up trying though (technical desperation runs in the family)
    Thanks for your letter, can you believe we haven´t had the time to sit and read it all 3 of us...
    When we do I will give you a proper answer...maybe in a more private manner you feel observed also?
    How is work going? Art I mean.
    When shall we see your next sketches, you see: your public
    is demanding!
    Shall we see paintings here?
    Must go now I have an hour with my brushes before picking up my daughter...
    Oh yes...before I forget: I ate an apple
    and I've included this blog in my link-list so you won't be so alone in the dessert. xxx love Trini

  5. Sam,
    Again from México: Seen your sketches once more, they are beautiful,beginning to get the idea of that "other" Perspective.

    I could write lots more: about the contemporary "art" I've seen this week.
    About -how my problem is not so much with the fact "idea-art/wisecracking- /or witty remark-art " is taking over the place Painting had before.
    My problem is with the low quality of every art-form, contemporary Painting included.
    No wonder new generations want to erase older generations
    instead of wanting to learn from them.
    Obviously it is easier to hide the lack of technique, something to express or even a good idea with Conceptual Art.
    But is am not worried about the quality in Conceptual art.What really concerns me is that Painting is in really deep shit ...
    We need more painters! Mediocre and rather good ones included, excellent ones preferred of course....
    And as I am not going to write any more, my bad english,my
    shyness and lack of time prevents me, I've decide to go and eat an apple...
    greetings from T.
