Sunday, 26 September 2021

A Quantum of Solace

Please find my latest contribution to the New Art Examiner on: 

Disclaimer: the choice of images accompanying the article was not mine, but the editor's.

- Jan de Bray: Portrait of a Young Woman - I can live with that.

- Prosper De Troyer: With the Birds - Mwaah. There 's much better...

- René Magritte: Manet's Balcony - Me no likee: much of his painting I find stuffy, didactic, and of little painterly value. But the many of us like it!

What I had proposed: 

Jheronimus Bosch Christ Carrying the Cross ca. 1510

, even though it might be a copy.

And this: 

Gust De Smet Child's Head 1916

, one of my absolute favorites, and mentioned in the article.
