Thursday, 18 June 2020

The Third Eye

[...] we see in essence not with two eyes but with three: with the two eyes of the body and with the eye of the mind that is behind them. And it is in this eye of the mind in which the cultural-historical progressive development of the colour sense takes place.

Franz Delitsch, Der Talmud und die Farben, 1878
(quoted in Through The Language Glass, Guy Deutscher, 2010)

First 'post'-corona drawing excursion.

Arrived late: 5:15. Already light enough. Cloudy. Straight-on southwestern wind, freezing (15 °C). Distinctly under-dressed, this morning. Hare sprinting along the dike. Squadrons of swallows swooping all over, low. Occasional spits and spats of rain.

One year now since I left the Stress Factory. Best decision ever. Whenever I feel the need for some glee, I remind myself that I am free of it. Pat on my shoulder. Good boyo, well done you.

At 6:45 I detect a slow-moving speck at the eastern horizon: a person... walking! Coming nearer!... 
He passes, phew. An early dog walker. Not even a greeting. Good man.

Decamp earlier than intended, because of the cold.






