Thursday, 23 April 2020

Waiting for Godot in Times of Corona

Samuel Beckett directing 'Waiting for Godot' in Berlin in 1975 ...

A couple of doors down our street, some weeks ago, a family hung out a piece of white cloth, as have so many.

The difference is, on their sheet they have written:


("High time to search for God!")

The lettering is in black, except for the word "GOD", which was in an orange-brown. Now, after a few rain showers, the apparently water-soluble orange-brown ink has completely washed away, leaving the exhortation:

("High time to search!")

And thus, in a move towards secularization, Religion develops into pure Philosophy.

It is as if an absent God has sent a sign: "Hold on you people, I am NOT involved in this! I am not even here (there)!"

The effect would possibly have been all the more ominous, had the main text been in orange-brown with the word "GOD" in black...
(Praise Thee for resisting the urge to make thàt joke.)

Let us all keep on searching. Amen.