In Memoriam Speedball n°1 17/06/2014
I keep my drawing pens in an oblong shortbread tin. I've never counted them, but there are dozens, of all types and fitted in an equal variety of penholders.
This spring, my all-time favourite pen has deceased, while working, in the studio - not in the field. One half of the nib broke off, making it quite unusable.
Research on the net revealed that my pen is officially registered as "Speedbal Flicker Pen," produced some time ago in the US. I have not the slightest clue of how it came into my possession. One day, it just ended up in a box with many other pen nibs and assorted knick-knacks. Years ago, I fitted it into
a green plastic penholder of the Blanzy brand (n° 1775, France).
A unique technical quality made this pen very special to me (and my drawings of the last decade, or more). The Flicker Pen nib is a reservoir pen, but not a common one. Most reservoir pens have one or two tiny plates fied to the nib, thus creating a reservoir or 'feeder'. The Flicker Pen has these plates
hinge-jointed at the base of the nib: one hinged plate on the underside, and one on top of the nib. Hence the name: 'Flicker'. Reportedly, this makes cleaning the nib easier. I never clean nibs.
During one particularly frantic drawing session, long ago, in Bretagne, I believe, both hinges of my pen broke off so that the reservoir plates would not clip back against the nib, turning my Flicker pen into a 'Flapper' pen.
Having lost not only its reservoir, but a bit later its rounded point as well, my dear pen had acquired a mind of its own. A beautiful, unpredictable mind. It came as close to perfection as is possible, when soon after, the tail end of the pen holder broke off.
For many years, this independent-minded pen hasn't ceased to surprise me, reviving tired drawings, showing ever new possibilities.
It is a sad loss indeed.
I have since found another Speedball Flicker Nib, and have fitted into a blue plastic Blanzy pen holder. However, it lacks the experience, the years of suffering of its ancestor. But I am happy to see that its hinges have started to clip open of their own accord, at the most inconvenient moments!